why choose leasing
We offer a lease option across all our lines of business.
You can choose from the simplest CCTV systems to the most advanced solutions for security and unified communication systems, with manageable access controls, alarm centers, HDTVI and IP cameras and PABX centers with specific software for your needs.< /p>
All maintenance and replacement of parts are on our account, at no additional cost while you enjoy the most modern technology investing much less in the short term and ensuring the non-obsolescence of your equipment.

technical-operational benefits
- Delivery and installation at the selected location;
- Technical team prepared to offer the most modern;
- Update of software made available for leased equipment;
- Fast installation, configuration and adequacy of systems;
- Replacement of equipment and parts done quickly, ensuring the shortest response time in case of incidents and reducing downtime;
- Customized settings according to needs;
- Inventory control, allowing better management of related information and these assets.
financial benefits
- Elimination of equipment depreciation costs;
- Possibility of obtaining a more modern system without a high initial investment;
- End extra expenses for maintenance and technical support;
- The amount paid monthly can be entered as an expense and therefore deducted from the I.R in addition to generating PIS and CONFINS credits for taxable profit opters;
- Pre-defined installments during the contract period, with annual correction by the inflation index (IGP-M) ensuring better financial planning.